Emmanuel has sailed from Greece throughout Europe, all over the Caribbean and South America. This world cruiser has been involved in Christian mission work for most of its life. You will get a sense immediately that this is a working yacht, but more important… you’ll feel the good vibe of a vessel that has spent its life helping others. Still today, the vessel works for twelve weeks per year in a ministry called Anathallo (Greek word for meaning to re-bloom). Ministers and their wives are treated to a free week of sailing and exploring throughout the Gulf and the Caribbean. So by renting Emmanuel on our bed and breakfast, you’re also helping ministers and their wives to reconnect with God.
Emmanuel has sailed from Greece throughout Europe, all over the Caribbean and South America. This world cruiser has been involved in Christian mission work for most of its life. You will get a sense immediately that this is a working yacht, but more important… you’ll feel the good vibe of a vessel that has spent its life helping others.

Still today, the vessel works for twelve weeks per year in a ministry called Anathallo (Greek word for meaning to re-bloom). Ministers and their wives are treated to a free week of sailing and exploring throughout the Gulf and the Caribbean. So by renting Emmanuel on our bed and breakfast, you’re also helping ministers and their wives to reconnect with God.

Emmanuel is a 47 foot Olympic Adventure Ketch rigged sailing vessel designed by renowned naval architect, Ted Brewer. Her center cockpit design keeps sailors high and dry in rough seas and it provides you with a very comfortable lounging area. In fact, it’s so comfortable the captain is known to sleep on deck on certain starry nights.

Open and spacious lounging areas abound on deck and you can soak up the sun from numerous angles. Nothing beats morning coffee with your feet hanging over the starboard rail. Accommodations below will sleep as many as nine, but we limit it to five for your personal sanity. In fact, the best way to describe the cabin areas of Emmanuel is to show them to you.
Emmanuel is a 47 foot Olympic Adventure Ketch rigged sailing vessel designed by renowned naval architect, Ted Brewer. Her center cockpit design keeps sailors high and dry in rough seas and it provides you with a very comfortable lounging area. In fact, it’s so comfortable the captain is known to sleep on deck on certain starry nights. Open and spacious lounging areas abound on deck and you can soak up the sun from numerous angles. Nothing beats morning coffee with your feet hanging over the starboard rail.
Accommodations below will sleep as many as nine, but we limit it to five for your personal sanity. In fact, the best way to describe the cabin areas of Emmanuel is to show them to you.